Please note recent transactions might not yet be reflected and accounts listed above only include accounts currently available on our self-serve platform. You may have other accounts that are not currently eligible for self-service.
Regional Medical Center (RMC) offers financial assistance based on the current Federal Poverty Guidelines to uninsured patients and guarantors with an outstanding balance owed for medically necessary services (as determined by RMC). Patients or guarantors may be presumptively eligible for financial assistance based on eligibility for other specific state or federal programs or as determined by RMC. Additional information regarding available financial assistance, including copies of the Financial Assistance Policy and Application can be found at In addition, patients can obtain a copy of these documents, at no cost, by sending a request to Regional Medical Center, Business Office, PO Box 1380, Anniston, AL 36202 Our Business Office can be reached at (833) 905-3560, Monday - Friday, 8AM - 4 30PM to assist you with any questions. Patients who are fully approved for RMC's financial assistance program will be billed no more than the amount generally billed (AGB) to Medicare and our Private Health Insurers.